Glady Fork Wetland

Pileated Woodpecker VynThis high elevation forested wetland is off the beaten path, but is a must-see for the serious birder.  The beaver-maintained wetland contains open meadows, marshes, swampy scrubland, ponds and hardwood forests.

It is home to equal diversity of bird life, such as pileated woodpeckers, chestnut-sided, Canada, yellow-throated and yellow warblers, northers parulas, and dark-eyed juncos in the woods.

In the more open areas, you are likely to catch glimpses of northern bobwhites, American goldfinches, indigo buntings, northern rough-winged and barn swallows while wood ducks paddle the wooded ponds.

Directions:  To reach the wetland from Bark Camp Lake, turn left, continuing northwest on Route 822 for 1.6 miles to Route 699.  Turn left on Route 699 and go 0.3 miles to Route 706.  Turn left on Route 706 and travel about two miles until you come to the intersection of Edith Gap Road (which is actually still Route 706).  Go left onto Edith Gap Road and continue for about another mile.  Turn right onto a gravel road just around the hill past the trail sign at Edith Gap and go another mile down to the parking area.  Jefferson National Forest

For more information:  276-328-2931.


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