Wild about Wildlife Home School Program
Natural Tunnel State Park has a variety of wildlife that can be seen and heard. During this four month long program, the importance of these animals will be covered. We will meet the first and third Tuesday of each month.
January 7 and 21: Bears
February 4 and 21: Frogs & Toads
March 10 and 24: Bats
April 7 and 21: Snakes
Cost: $3 per person per program or $20 per person for the entire 2020 homeschool series. Elementary-aged children are encouraged to come twice a month to discover the unique animals in our state park. To register, or for additional information contact Cheyenne Mullins at Cheyenne.Mullins@dcr.virginia.gov or 276-940-1643. Meet at the Cove Ridge Center.

Hiking Boots
Saturday, January 18
1 p.m. – Winter Woods Walk. Join a park interpreter on a leisurely walk in the woods. Throughout the walk, discover the animal and plant life still active during the cold winter months. The hike will be no more than a mile in distance on moderate terrain. Meet at the Visitor Center. Free
Sunday, January 19
2 p.m. – The Native People of the Southern Appalachians. Join Randy Smith as he shares the story of the origins of indigenous people in the Americas. He will discuss the many ways Native culture is very different from that of European culture and aspects of the “Great Encounter” when Europeans came to this continent. Meet at the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Interpretive Center. Free
Sunday, February 9
5:30 p.m. – Full Moon Hike. Enjoy a guided hike to the Gazebo and be a part of a unique experience here at Natural Tunnel. This 1.2 mile hike will take place along a semi-moderate trail. Dress for the weather. Meet at the Blockhouse Parking Lot. Free
Saturday, February 15
8:30 a.m. – Great Backyard Bird Count. Become a citizen scientist and learn about the birds in your backyard. Learn more about the bird count and have the opportunity to count birds found throughout the park. This event is open to all ages and skill levels. Beginners welcome. Event will be held rain or shine. Field guides and binoculars will be provided, but if you have your own, please bring them. (Limited supply) Meet at the Cove Ridge Center. Free
Saturday, February 22
3 p.m. – Winter Tree ID. Learn to identify some of our native trees during the dormant season. Participants will learn to use morphological traits such as branching pattern, bark color and texture to identify trees. This program will begin at the Cove Ridge Center followed by an easy walk to identify trees. Dress accordingly and wear footwear suitable for hiking. Free
The award-winning Virginia State Parks are managed by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation.
For more information about Virginia State Parks’ activities and amenities, or to make reservations in one of the more than 1,800 campsites or 300 climate-controlled cabins, call the Virginia State Parks Reservation Center at 800-933-PARK or visit www.virginiastateparks.gov