Scott County, Virginia is home to a rare century-old tradition — Red Horse Shooting Season. The only other spot in the country that allows shooting red fish is located in Vermont.
Red Fish season runs April 15 and continues until May 31.
Anglers climb high into the Sycamore trees that line the shores of the Clinch River, take aim at the redhorse suckers visible in the shallow water near the tails of pools. They don’t actually “shoot” the fish but, instead, shoot into the water creating a concussion in the water that renders the fish helpless. Redhorse suckers are most visible in the shallow water near the tails of pools.
Shooting fish is not recommended for the novice. It is best to find a local to take you for this Scott County Tradition. A Virginia fishing license is still required. For rules and regulations, please contact Virginia DGIF http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/fishing