Lazy Time Pickin’ Parlor

Affectionately known as a “Hangout for the Homeless & Henpecked,” the Lazy Time Pickin’ Parlor is the regular haunt for a variety of talented musicians.  Started by the late Leonard Stallard, Lazy Time Pickin’ is actually a music store located in Weber City, Virginia.  Although Stallard passed away in January 2020, the store still hosts informal jams most every Friday and Saturday morning.

Musicians come from all over the Tri-Cities to take part in the jam sessions hosted by the Lazy Time Pickin’ Parlor.  There is no microphone and only a few amplifiers.  Generally, one person shouts out a song and the musicians launch in without a moment’s hesitation.  Banjos, acoustic guitars and a mandolin to two fill the air with music that has been played in the hills of Appalachia for centuries.

Most anyone can participate:  they just find a spot on the couch and start tuning up.  Like a lot of music around Scott County, the Pickin’ Parlor attracts people from all over the world.  And has often attracted heavyweights in bluegrass and country music, like the late Johnny Cash and Tim Stafford from Blue Highway.  Both stopped in to join a jam or two.  

The presence of Stallard is missed at the Pickin’ Parlor, but his tradition continues.

Open Wed.—Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m., and located at2740 US Hwy. 23, Weber City, VA  24290.  Telephone 276-386-2654.


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